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[[caption]]JOHN A. MURPHY President; Chief Executive Officer Miller Brewing Co.[[/caption]]

[[caption]]ROY STEVENS President Hiram Walker Distillers[[/caption]]

[[caption]]CHARLES F. LUCE Chairman of the Board Con Edison[[/caption]]

[[caption]]FRED SILVERMAN President NBC[[/caption]]

[[caption]]CHARLES I. F. MILLARD President Coca-Cola Bottling Co., N.Y.[[/caption]]

[[caption]]ROBERT ALDRIDGE Sales Director Kobrand Corp.[[/caption]]

[[caption]]THEODORE KHEEL Noted Labor Arbitrator[[/caption]]

[[caption]]GEORGE WEISSMAN Vice Chairman, Board of Directors Philip Morris, Inc.[[/caption]]

[[caption]]THOMAS A. MURPHY Chairman, Chief Executive Officer General Motors Corp.[[/caption]]

cure for Sickle Cell at Howard University's Medical Center.

Delegate salutes John Murray of Millers Brewing Company for not only choosing Thomas Shropshire as his Vice President but by contributing in time and finance to numeruos [sic] projects and programs which benefit Blacks.

Delegate salutes Charles I. F. Millard of Coca Cola New York for his personal involvement with the New York Urban League, financing the Whitney M. Young Memorial Football games and for his contributions to the League's Street Academy programs.

Delegate Salutes Roy Stevens of Canadian Club, Hiram Walker Distillers for his contributions to our cause in the Detroit Area.

Delegate salutes Fred Silverman for putting Alex Haley's book ROOTS on television last season.

Delegates salutes Henry Ford, III for not only being the bearer of a name which has symbolized helping the furtherance of Black Education through family bequeaths and foundation grants, but because of his business acumen for starting the affirmative action program in his plants in Detroit long before these words became fashionable.

Delegate salutes Thomas A. Murphy of General Motors because of his compassionate understanding of our needs and for his support of the Catalyst organization, a national non-profit organization which helps women choose, launch and advance their careers.

Delegate salutes Charles Luce of Con Edison for his support of OIC programs; Robert Aldridge of Beefeater Gin for his community projects way and above the sale of his products.  Theodore Kheel for his skills as the foremost labor arbitrator of our time.

Delegate salutes Bruce Lundvall of Columbia Records for instituting some searching programs in advancing minorities in his company. Coy G. Eklund of Equitable Life Assurance Society for always being there when the going is rough and one needs a real friend--and because of his love of the National Urban League--and his help with the Freemon National Bank of New York.

Donald H. McGannon for his forthrightness in the Broadcast Industry and for his devotion to the National Urban League.

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