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National Association of Black


It is a great pleasure, as your National President, to welcome our Chapters and each of you individually to our Tenth Annual Conference. As you know, our theme for this tenth year is "Strategies for Liberation: Review and Renew," which is of particular significance not only for the National Association of Black Social Workers, but for Black people the world over.

Throughout the history of this country Blacks have struggled for our rightful claim to justice and equality, with a "maybe tomorrow" attitude from those in power. It is not only justice and equality wee seek, but a full measure of self and collective actualization. We seek to improve and enhance our quality of life and our prospects for thee future as a Black peoplehood, and it is for this reason that we must "renew" and accelerate our demand/struggle for true freedom.

There is no "renewal" without "review". We must take this opportunity to "review" our strategies for and commitment to the liberation of all Black people in this country and in the world - because only through "review" of where we were, where we are, and where we intend to go, can we "renew" our determination, dedication and devotion to the struggle for freedom. We owe this fight for freedom must bring and with your help and "renewed" dedication, we shall taste the sweet nectar of freedom.

Freedom, Peace, and Love be with you!

Jay Chunn
National President