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National Newspaper Publishers Association
June, 1978 - Cleveland, Ohio

An annual fete at National Newspaper Publishers Convention is the awarding of prizes for excellence in reporting, general news stories, special features, photography and all-around excellence in production. Prizes for this fierce friendly competitive endeavor are awarded by the National advertisers who support the individual newspaper with lineage. The pictures shown on this page were taken as the various newspapers, their writers and featured personnel receive their awards.

[[8 images]]

[[caption]] Don King [[/caption]]

[[caption]][[?]]ter, was born [[?]]pton Institute [[?]]protesting and [[?]] people as long [[?]] saw it, was to [[?]] South. And he [[?]] [[/caption]]

[[caption]] By the time his campaign get well underway, World War I had begun and there arose a demand in the North for black workers to help man the steel mills, stockyards, and other industries. During and following the war, Abbott's Chicago Defender carried red headlines week after week, reading: "Negroes are Coming North by the Thousands."
Largely, it has been the voting leverage of blacks in the North that has made the difference in civil rights advance. And [[?]] [[/caption]]