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Representative Barbara Jordan has represented the Eighteenth Congressional District of Texas since January 1973. She attended public schools in Houston, Texas, and graduated magna cum laude from Texas Southern University with a B.A. degree in Political Science and History. She then received her law degree in 1959 from the Boston University School of Law. Barbara Jordan has since been awarded 24 honorary doctorate degrees.

Miss Jordan served as Administrative Assistant to the County Judge of Harris County, Texas, unil her election in 1966 to the Texas Senate. In 1972, the Senate unanimously elected her president pro tempore and on June 10, 1972, in the traditional "Governor for a Day" ceremonies, she became the first Black woman governor in United States history.

Congresswoman Jordan is a member of the House Committee on the Judiciary, the House Committee on Government Operations, and the Steering and Policy Committee of the House Democratic Caucus. Her major legislative achievements enacted into law include amendments to the Voting Rights Act which expanded its coverage and provided for the printing of bilingual ballots, repeal of federal authorization for state "Fair Trade" Laws which sanctioned vertical price fixing schemes, and detailed mandatory civil rights enforcement procedures for the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration and the Office of Revenue Sharing.

Rep. Jordan has been named Democratic Woman of the Year by the Women's National Democratic Club. Ladies Home Journal picked her as "1975 Woman of the Year." And, in a poll by Redbook Magazine, Miss Jordan was selected as top "Woman who could be President." Miss Jordan was also a keynote speaker at the 1976 Democratic National Convention. In addition, she has received the distinguished Texan award from the Texas Association of Broadcasters. 

Her professional organizations include the State Bar of Texas, the Massachusetts Bar, the American Bar Association, and the Texas Trial Lawyers Association. She maintains membership in the NAACP and Good Hope Baptist Church of Houston.   

[[caption]] Dr. Alvin McNiel [[/caption]]

[[caption]] WILLIAM NIX [[/caption]]

[[caption]] SAMMY FORD [[/caption]]