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The King Center for Social Change

[[images, some obscuring text]]

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was an articulate and effective leader who advocated extending human rights and social justice to all peoples...everywhere[[[...]]Center for Social Change, named in his[[[...]]ng the nonviolent struggle led s[[[...]]

T[[[...]]es of The Center W[[[...]]volvement of The C[[[...]]or calm discussion a[[[...]]her people of good w[[[...]]ng world.

[[[...]]ving the quality of li[[[...]]ies, but also in the d[[[...]]g as equal partners in[[[...]]

[[[...]]nd inspiration that ef[[[...]]al, economic and sc[[[...]]people enjoy their G[[[...]]

[[[...]]to complete the living[[[...]]K[[[...]]emaining phases of our At[[[...]]while at the same time providing an umb[[[...]]for developing and implementing nonvio[[[...]]...and tomorrow's...multifaceted[[[...]]rights.

The tasks is not an easy one, but [[[...]]encouragement, The Martin Luther King[[[...]]Change will continue to be a vital force[[[...]]--that someday all people will live in a[[[...]]justice with peace.

Some of the 68 children cared for each day[[[...]]rents are working

[[[...]]eaching aids are used to help adults in The Center's[[[...]]my

Siste[[[...]] Coretta Scott King mee[[[...]] with[[[...]]

[[[...]]g government[[[...]]y, a key objec[[[...]]

One of the many meetings and workshops at the Summer Institute on Nonviolence

An Ecumenical service at Ebenezer Baptist Church, one of many activities during the Annual January Birthday Celebration