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Soon you'll be on your way! To meetings, conventions and a busy round of social activities. You want to look your best, so here is some sound and easy advice on how to travel beautifully.


When traveling, hands and nails are on special view. To keep them looking beautiful, here is some inside advice from New York's top hand models. To them, breaking a nail can mean the loss of work because they make their living by the way their hands look. These models have found they must zealously protect and pamper their hands.

"Remember not to use your nails as tools because they're not!" says Ford model Debbie Secunda. "That's probably one of the biggest mistakes women make, so be aware and think of what you're doing. The next time there's a spot on your table, don't use your fingernail to scrape it off.

"There are other things you can do for protection," adds Debbie. "Always wear a conditioner or nail strengthener because it adds an extra protective layer, and if your nails aren't particularly strong, put strengthener under the tips of them."

Cathy Tolbert of Wilhelmina says, "You can control nail splits and breaks if you think of what you're doing. Everything you do with the nails can be done with the cushions of the fingers. For instance, use the cushions for opening car doors, pushing elevator buttons, opening snaps and buttoning shirts. And don't forget to use them for bobby pins! Also, when you go to dial the phone, use a pen or pencil instead. There's nothing more frustrating than breaking a nail out of carelessness."


Ford model Penni Ostrow suggests "When you do household chores, wear gloves, even when you're preparing food and taking it out of the oven! When hands are exposed to water, wear rubber gloves because water softens the nails.

"During a manicure," adds Penni, "apply the top coat a few times for protection. Make sure to care for your hands as well as your nails by applying creams or lotions. Vaseline Petroleum Jelly is very good, especially around the cuticles. When you go to the beach, don't forget to use a sunscreen on your hands as you would on your face and body because hands get dried and wrinkled from the sun, too.

"Here's one of my favorite tricks for hand and nail care: Buy a cheap pair of cotton gloves. Before you go to sleep, put a film of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly on your hands, then put the gloves on. When you wake up in the morning, your hands will be soft and your nails will be stronger."

"The way you file your nails is very important," explains Wilhelmina model Pat Tilley. "Use an emery board, but never saw back and forth; file your nails in one direction and don't overdo it. I file mine once every other week and they're squared off and semi-round because pointed nails break easier.

"When it comes to nail polish removers, most women think they're all alike, but that's not true. Sometimes at a magazine shooting, I have to change my polish nine times in one day! That means I have to use nail polish remover nine times, at least. I use Cutex Oily Polish Remover because it's the least drying."


"If your nails are dry," explains Ford model Maiko, "then they're not as healthy as they should be. In fact, one of the most important things you can do for yourself is to eat a well-balanced diet because it effects the condition of your nails the same way it does your hair and body. So, make sure your diet is healthy and includes foods that have calcium."

Pam Martin, another Ford model thinks, "The way in which you apply nail polish is very important. If you've ever wondered why nail polish chips or cracks, chances are you're applying coats that are too thick. The trick is to apply thin coats, especially the first one. Even if it streaks a little, that's all right. Let each coat dry before adding another.


"Also, since it's almost impossible not to get excess polish in the cuticles or around the edges, what you should do is prepare for this before you start your manicure by wrapping a tiny piece of cotton around a Cutex orange stick. Remove the excess polish before it's had a chance to dry and the polish will come off easily.

"Once you start a nail care program, you should begin to see results within the month. But remember, everyone has a length that's right for them. Be realistic about what that length is because if you go beyond it, nails break. And nails always look best when they're uniform."