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the R.A.I.N.S. Fund to assist Africans in the tragic grip of drought in the Sahel region of Africa two years ago.

Voter Registration
11. There is no doubt about NABSW's role in the past presidential election of Pres. Carter. Although the organization did not support any party ticket, it was responsible for registering 30,000 Black people around the country. Considering the closeness of the election, and the fact that 94.6 of the Black vote went to Democrats, it is clear that NABSW had an impact in the election results. We, also, conducted educational seminars around the country to educate the Black voter on the issues and positions articulated toward and by the candidates for national office.

12. With the drainage of funds for social work students the organization established a $10,000.00 scholarship fund. In September, 1978, the organization will award the academic scholarships totaling $6,000.00, and Five Book scholarship totaling $500.00.

Employment Bank
13. Employment is a primary concern of everyone. Despite a sluggish economy, the organization was able to help over 200 brothers and sisters obtain employment.

Support for Political Prisoners
14. Understanding how the system reacts to those who speak out against injustice, NABSW supported Ben Chavis and the Wilmington 10. Our members also participated in a mass demonstration, and in a Seminar conducted by the NABSW on their behalf. Our chapters have sent letters in support of the Wilmington 10, and our President and I have visited the Governor's assistants to speak for their release. Ben Chavis was also the keynote speaker at our 1975 Conference in Detroit. The organization protested against the imprisonment of J.B. Johnson of St. Louis and Gary Tyler of Louisiana. In all of the above cases, the state witnesses recanted their testimony. Strategies were outlined with those concerned persons and groups in New Orleans to use NABSW as a vehicle during our Annual Conference to bring the Gary Tyler case to the eyes of the public.

Support for Black Images.
15. With a special concern over the negative image of the Black family projected by the television media, NABSW protested against the removal of John Amos from the T.V. program "Good Times".

NABSW, in cooperation with its Kentucky Chapter, conducted a successful campaign against brochures used by hotels depicting Blacks in a disparaging and subservient role.

Unemployment of Blacks
16. NABSW opposes the high unemployment of Blacks. A letter was sent to President Carter expressing our opposition and concerns. In addition we have been organizing support for the Humphrey/Hawkins Bill which attempts to provide for full employment in our economy.

Our activities and involvements over the past year reflect our attempt to act on behalf of Black people which is the primary purpose of our organization. With your support, we can continue to be a viable organization. We are no longer a loose dispersed aggregate of Black Social Workers but a National organized body of Black people, (With the potential of becoming internationally organized) that can effectively respond to issues as they impact Black people. For the next ten years, it is my hope that we will not only relate to the various social issues that impact on Black people but will also participate in thos activities and programs that will raise the political consciousness. With your support we can continue to grow and be a viable organization. One specific way you can support the organization is by becoming a member of your local chapter. Remember NABSW does not receive any federal funds. It survives mainly from your membership dues. This is what makes us an effective voice. It may also be of interest to you to note that NABSW is the only Major Independent Black controlled National organization today. . . . THANKS TO YOU!!

ABSW Code of Ethics
In America today, no Black person, except the selfish or irrational, can claim neutrality in the quest for Black liberation nor fail to consider the implications of the events taking place in our society. Given the necessity for committing ourselves to the struggle for freedom, we as Black Americans practicing in the field of social welfare set forth this statement of ideals and guiding principles.

If a sense of community awareness is a pre-condition to humanitarian acts, then we as Black social workers must use our knowledge of the Black community, our commitments to its self-determination and our helping skills for the benefit of Black people as we marshal our expertise to improve the quality of life of Black people. Our activities will be guided by our Black consciousness, our determination to protect the security of the Black community and to serve as advocates to relieve suffering of Black people by any means necessary.

Therefore, as Black social workers we commit ourselves, collectively, to the interests of our Black brethren and as individuals subscribe to the following statements:

I regard as my primary obligation the welfare of the Black individual, Black family and Black community and will engage in action for improving social conditions.

I give precedence to this mission over my personal interests.

I adopt the concept of a Black extended family and embrace all Black people as my brothers and sisters, making no distinction between their destiny and my own.

I hold myself responsible for the quality and extent of service I perform and the quality and extent of service performed by the agency or organization in which I am employed, as it relates to the Black community.

I accept the responsibility to protect the Black community against unethical and hypocritical practice by any individuals or organizations engaged in social welfare activities.

I stand ready to supplement my paid or professional advocacy with voluntary service in the Black public interest.

I will consciously use my skills, and my whole being, as an instrument for social change, with particular attention directed to the establishment of Black social institutions.