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[[image- group of college students]]

HOMECOMING: There may not be a college to come home to. 

Fifty years ago, we would have done anything to send our young people to a Black college. Because other institutions were not available to them. Today, things are different. More of our young people have the opportunity to go to other schools. But the truth of the matter is, as recently as 1973, 60% of Black graduates received their degree from Black colleges and universities.  

Progress For The People.

We've always been proud and inspired by our many great Black  leaders, of which 90% were educated in our Black colleges. But if these institutions are going to provide our communities with Black leaders in the future, they need our support now. Black colleges are in serious financial trouble. Keeping them alive has to begin with us.  

Human Energy — America's Greatest Resource. 

People are America's greatest untapped resource. The young minds that we reach today provide the real energy that runs this country tomorrow. And if we’re going to help our institutions survive, we have to care enough to do something now. As families, as individuals, as local religious and community groups. If you're still as proud as you used to be, you won't let the doors close. 

[[underlined]]CONCERNED BLACK AMERICANS[[/underlined]]

Signed ( left to right ) : Dr. Carlton Goodlett - 
                             National President, National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) 

Benjamin Hooks - Executive Director, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) 

John H. Johnson - President & Publisher, Johnson Publishing Co., Inc. 

Vernon E. Jordan, Jr. - President, National Urban League

Dr. Benjamin E. Mays - President, Atlanta Board of Education, President Emeritus, Morehouse College