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Bill Gray, (D-Pa.) new Congressman from Philadelphia, and George Mahon, (D-Tex.) retired chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, were honored by OIC at a tremendous outpouring of Congressional support for Rev. Leon Sullivan's proposed "Help Our Youth" campaign and a 1979 OIC Youth Job and Training Bill at the U.S. Senate Caucus Room last week. 

The Emergency Executive Assembly of OIC of America became the launching pad for a nationwide drive to dramatize the desperate need for jobs and training for an estimated million unemployed youth at a two-day conference in Washington, D.C.

"CETA will not solve the problem and the 1978 Full Employment Law is almost 'too little and too late' to save a generation that might never make it into the labor market," he said.

Cities in the states with the largest unemployed youth population was targeted for "street corner" recruitment campaigns and mass rallies in churches by the Baptist minister from Philadelphia and founder of the OIC network of job training centers.

"We will not let our youth be sacrificed on the altar of anti-inflation policies and balanced budgets," Sullivan said.

Calling on delegates at the Emergency Executive Assembly of OIC leaders in the nation's Capitol to launch a city-by-city, state-by-state drive to begin the last week of March, he outlined a national plan to mobilize business and clergy support for the project.

"We need a National Youth Policy to take our young people off the street corners and put them on jobs and in job-training programs like the OIC as much as we need a new China policy and a National Defense Policy," he declared.

The Sullivan Plan calls for OIC leaders across America to hold rallies for youth employment using community churches to dramatize the need and mobilize the support of public and private sector leaders, athletes and entertainers. Teams will be assigned to carry out the plans to get more help for school dropouts, youth ex-offenders, and young people from welfare recipient families in all 150 OIC cities.

CONGRESSIONAL LEADERS received commendations from Rev. Leon Sullivan, center, for their role in sponsoring manpower training legislation. Rev. Sullivan, founder of Opportunities Industrialization Centers, Inc., spoke at a recent OIC reception at the Russell Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C.