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[[8 photographs]]

job placement, job training, housing assistance, educational help, health care, etc.

The League is in a continuing process of developing and implementing new and creative programs and approaches that address themselves to attacking many of the problems growing out of poverty and the lack of equal opportunity.

Research into social and economic issues related to black people and other minority groups is conducted by the Research Department of the National Urban League for the purpose of providing information needed in a formulation of proper policy decisions at the national and local levels.

In its role as advocate for blacks and the poor, the League speaks out on the issues of public policy that it considers vital to its constituents. It actively advocates those public policies which its judgment will be beneficial in bringing about equality of opportunities for all Americans.

Firmly committed to the goal of an open, integrated pluralistic society as the best hope for the nation's future, the Urban League seeks to build bridges of understanding between white and black America.


The national headquarters is in New York City. There are four regional offices-Eastern, New York City; Central, Chicago; Western, Los Angeles; and Southern, Atlanta. Located in Washington, D.C are a Washington Bureau and a Research Department.