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National United Church Ushers Association of America, Inc.

[[caption]] Denise Palm, Ill. [[/caption]]

1st Vice Pres. - J. Britton, Ohio
2nd Vice Pres. - M. Bean, Calif.
3rd Vice Pres. - Patricia Moore, N.Y.
4th Vice Pres. - Cynthia Casey, Mo.
Recording Sec. - Rose Wattley, Colo.
Asst. Rec. Sec. - Karen Smith, D.C.
Financial Sec. - Cheryl Barker, Wisc.
Ch. B.O.D. - James Jones, Ill.
Chaplain - Darrell Cole, Mass.
Sgt-At-Arms - Robt. Bedford, Wisc.
Asst. Sgt-At-Arms - Jarita Brown, Md.
Parliamentarian - Wanda Reid, Ohio
Historian - John Heirs, N.Y.
Music Chm. - Tony Walker, Minn.
Arts & Crafts - Karen Ward, Delaware
Health Unit - Sandra Rey, Texas

(We regret that we do not have pictures of these outstanding young people.)

Since God so loved the world that He gave his all, 
Shall I give less when I hear His call?
Oh, no, Lord Jesus, while I am YOUNG,
To teach "They Work will I give my tongue."

My feet to follow where Thou willst lead,
My hands to labor for Thee indeed;
And all ambition my heart has known;
I yearn for Thee, to be Thine alone.

The plans that selfishly I have made,
With hopes and dreams are before thee laid.
A faithful steward I long to be,
Over my talent entrusted me,
That when I face the eternal Son
And He sees His fruit, He may say "Well done."

Oh, take my heart, my life, my all -
I have heard Thy voice, I have met Thy call.


National President 
Robert Allen
First Vice-President 
James E. Anderson
Second Vice-President
Raymond Thomas
Third Vice-President 
Arthur Jackson
Fourth Vice-President
Paul Finch
President Emeritus
Henry Ballard
Honorary President
Raymond Alexander Smith
Financial Secretary
Laura Purnell
Recording Secretary
Henryetta D. Gray
Asst. Financial Secretary
Doris B. Lewis
Asst. Recording Secretary
Ernestine Smith
Corresponding Secretary
Ella M. Thigpen
Hon Recording Secretary
Kathryn Thompkins

A.W. Briggs Health Department:
Ophelia William, Chr.
Eliza L. Killgo, Chrm Emeritus
Mrs. Charlene Brown, Honorary Chr.

John Franklin

Arts and Crafts
Edith Lee Rector

Jerry Kelly

Education Department
Mabel A. Gray
Charley H. Jones, Ch. Emeritus

George T. Grier Ushering Dept.
Alvin Taylor, Chairman 
Isaiah Tatum

Historical Society
Elizabeth Mosley
History Consultants
Richard A. Dandridge

Music Department
Malcolm J. Taylor, Sr. 
Andrew Brown

Building Fund
Raymond Alexander Smith, Chrm.

National Doorkeeper
Helen Hornbuckle, Editor

John Everett

Blanche Dabbs Jackson

William Handy

Asst. Sgt-at-Arms
Henry Dotson

Board of Directors:
Lewis J. Martin, Chairman
James Jones, VKE Chairman
Melvin L. Evans, Chrm. Emeritus
Jessie L. Brown, Secretary

William Hall

Isaac N. Nelson
Mary Alice Gordon
Raymond Hall
I.B. Holly
Waverly Jones
Curtis Richmond

Board of Directors Interns
Doris Gilton, Calif.

Board of Directos Interns
Doris Gilton, Calif.

Chairman and Directors: 
Allen A.C. Griffith Scholarship

Pauline Alexander, Calif.

A.W. Briggs Health Department: 
Ophelia William

Reasno Hunter (CRC)
James Blue (ERC)
George Faber (SRC)
Mattie Thomas (WRC)

Charles W. Wilkerson

Past Officers Council: 
Mrs. Jessie B. Spaulding

Presidents Council
Robert Sherron

Public Relations
Mrs. Alma C. Hawkins

Special Finance Committee
David Allen

William H. Davis Honor Club
Mrs. Idella Rowden

Young Adult Department

Ms. Lubertha O. Hill
Ms. Blanche Sutton
Ms. Alberta Jones, Pres. Emer.
Ms. Ollie Bennett, Pass Pres.

Mrs. Mattie Gardette

Junior Department
Lloyd C. Morse, Pres.

Junior Department
Lloyd C. Morse 

Junior Supervisors
Mrs. Pauline Williams 
Mrs. Margaret White