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1979 Meeting of
National Medical Association
84th Annual Convention and Scientific Assembly

Detroit Plaza Hotel, Detroit, Michigan

July 29-August 3, 1979

[[caption]] Dr. Jesse Barber [[/caption]]

[[caption]] Dr. and Mrs. Barber [[/caption]]


Jesse B. Barber, Jr., M.D.
Washington, D.C.

Robert E. Dawson, M.D.
Durham, North Carolina

Harold Ramsey, M.D.
First Vice-President
Baltimore, Maryland

Canute C. Bernard, M.D.
Second Vice-President
Jamaica, New York

John O. Brown, M.D.
Third Vice-President
Miami, Florida

Carleton C. Richard, M.D.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Eugene W. Dorsey, M.D.
Executive Secretary
Dallas, Texas

Norma J. Goodwin, M.D.
Speaker of the House of Delegates
Brooklyn, New York

Charles Johnson, Jr., M.D.
Vice Speaker of the House of Delegates
Durham, North Carolina

Henry Wiggins, M.D.
Secretary of the House of Delegates
Chicago, Illinois

Host Society: Detroit Medical Society
Richard O. Brown, M.D., President
Alma R. George, M.D., Convention Chairman

National Medical Association
President: Jesse Barber, M.D., Washington, D.C.
President-Elect: Robert E. Dawson, M.D., Durham, N.C.
Chairman, Board of Trustees: Frank Royal, M.D., Richmond
Speaker, House of Delegates: Norma J. Goodwin, New York

Co-Host Society: Wolverine State Medical Society
Alma R. George, M.D., President

Auxiliary to the Detroit Medical Society
Mrs. Carmen Murphy, Convention Chairperson
Mrs. Walter Everett, Local Auxiliary President

National Medical Association 1979 Post-Convention and Scientific Assembly:
1. Capitals of Western Europe
2. Toronto and Eastern Canada
3. Bermuda

1980 Post-Convention Tour and Scientific Assembly
Mainland Chinese People's Republic

Future National Medical Association Meetings:
1980 Dallas 8/3/80-8/8/80
1981 Atlanta 8/2/81-8/7/81
1982 San Francisco 8/1/82-8/6/82
1983 Chicago 7/31/83-8/5/83
1984 Boston 7/29/84-8/3/84
1985 New Orleans 8/4/85-8/9/85