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[[caption]] Mrs. Inez Y. Kaiser
National Treasurer [[/caption]]

[[caption]] Dr. Ruth Taylor 
National Secretary [[/caption]]

Mrs. Lynnette Taylor 

Mrs. Frances M. Flippen

The National Convention is the delegate body of Delta Sigma Theta. It assembles biennially in August. The National President presides over the Convention. In the interim, the powers are vested in the Executive Board. Between the meetings of the Convention, the work of the Organization is implemented by the Executive Director, the Executive Committee, and the National Committees under the President. 

1. Scholarship and Standards Committee
2. National Projects Committee
3. National Housing and Properties Committee
4. Publications and Public Relations Committee
5. Golden Life Membership Committee
6. Finance Committee
7. Personnel Committee
8. National Nominating Committee
9. Delta Heritage and Archives Committee
10. Constitution and By-Laws Committee

1. Commission on Arts and Letters
2. Social Action Commission

Delta's public service program centers around its Five-Point Program Thrust in the areas of:
1. Educational Development
2. Economic Development 
3. Community and International Development
4. Housing and Urban Development
5. Mental Health 

Social Action, Arts and Letters and Scholarships are the other important aspects of Delta's program. Many pilot projects in the area of guidance, counseling, mental health, and education have been and are conducted by the National Body. Program grants have been received from private and federal agencies. Delta's major program activity takes place at the chapter level where local chapters use their membership, training, and resources to meet community needs.

One of the new program thrusts of 
Delta is the establishment of Life Development Centers.

Community Life Development Centers are visible places in the community where Delta's public service activities are brought together and coordinated to improve the quality of life for all citizens — from early childhood through the senior years.
Many chapters of Delta Sigma Theta have established Delta Life Development Centers in their respective communities. The foci of these centers vary with the needs of the individual community.

THE DELTA is published seven times annually: September, October, November, January, February, March, and April.

* Seven alumnae chapters have obtained government grants to open and run Child Development Programs. They are: Akron-Canton, Ohio; Ardmore, Oklahoma; Grambling, Louisiana; Los Angeles, California; Jacksonville, Florida; San Antonio, Texas; and Chicago, Illinois. The Los Angeles Chapter is currently the delegate agency for 17 Child Development Centers.

* Two Chapters (Little Rock, Arkansas and Wewoka, Oklahoma) operate Day Care Centers for which federal funds are received. 

* The St Louis Alumnae Chapter has been funded since 1966 by the Office of Economic Opportunity for St. Louis and St. Louis County. The project is "College Opportunity Aid Program" and provides funds to low-income students to apply for college entrance tests and to pay application fees for those who otherwise would not have the income to do so. Another important facet is the tutorial aid in testing techniques, remedial reading, and mathematics provided through the volunteer services of the members of Delta. Since St. Louis initiated the project, many other chapters are now working in this area.

* For the tenth year, Delta has been funded by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Office of Education, to conduct a Talent Search Program under Section 408(A) Higher Education Act of 1965. The purpose of this program is to identify and motivate low-income high school students into appropriate post-secondary programs. This  program, located in Baltimore, Maryland, also includes services for returning veterans and Model Cities Components. Other Chapters conducting federally funded Talent Search Programs are Petersburg, Virginia and North Jersey, New Jersey.