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[[caption]] Two of the youngest PH Shriners in the world, Nobles Joel G. and Noel K. Dominick, Platta Temple 15, New Orleans, La., and one of the oldest, Noble E. W. Sims (center). The two nobles are twin sons of Mrs. Marion A. Dominick.

[[caption]] The Rev. Dr. Ernest B. Cunningham, Imperial Director of Religious Activities, from Mecca 10, Washington, D.C. Dr. Cunningham is also pastor, Unity Baptist Church and an instructor of religion at Washington Baptist Seminary.


[[caption]] The four young ladies shown above were recent participants and first to 4th place winners in the National Prince Hall Shrine talent and scholarship pageant program contest, held recently at Kansas City, Mo.

Before an overflow crowd of more than 5,000 persons they performed various talents and displayed their beauty, and took part in an intelligent functioning question and answer period. For their collective effort, they won more than $7,000 to attend a college or university of their choice.

(Left to right) They are Miss Carmen Battle, sponsored by Kabala Temple 177. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Battle, Raleigh, N.C.;

Miss Marquita Lister, sponsored by Mecca Temple 10. She is the new National Miss PH Shrine queen and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo M. Lister of Washington, D.C.;

Miss Helen A. Green, sponsored by Menelik Temple 36. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willie D. Green, Hayward, California.

And Miss Varetta Shankle, sponsored by Rissa Temple 130. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O'Neal Shankle, Clovis, New Mexico.