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[[caption]] Lou Gossett [[/caption]]
[[caption]] Cong. Corliss Collins [[/caption]]

the major focus of the Caucus staff is developing, monitoring and obtaining support for the Caucus' legislative priorities. At the beginning of this year, a legislative agenda was drafted covering 16 key areas affecting Black and poor constituents. The majority of Caucus staffing time is spent on activities related to monitoring the progress of the Caucus Agenda.

The Executive  Director coordinates the Caucus staff operations, maintains daily communication with the Caucus Members on a range of legislative and political concerns, coordinates the Caucus  press activities and key meetings, and maintains contact with organizations and individual supporters of the Caucus on legislative issues.

The Administrative Assistant provides continuing back-up support to the Executive Director. In addition, assignments include bookkeeping and coordination of the Caucus Annual Fundraising Dinner.

The Legislative Director maintains daily contact with Legislative Assistants in Caucus Members' offices on legislative developments, writes testimony and press statements related to the Caucus' legislative positions, develops a weekly legislative analysis alert to Caucus offices and coordinates aspects of the Caucus legislative support network.

The Media Director coordinates the Caucus'  media strategy and plans in three primary areas:

Regular press briefings following the twice monthly Caucus meetings;

Efforts to develop closer working relationships with the Black print and broadcast representatives;
Efforts to develop a more positive and aggressive presence of the Caucus in the overall media.

The Caucus Newsletter, For The

(Continued on next page)

[[caption]] Cong. Corliss Collins [[/caption]]
[[caption]] Mrs. Alma Rangel [[/caption]]