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[[caption]] For the past 8 Caucus Weekends, Congressman Charles Rangel of New York has entertained his constituents with a "Get Home Safe," Goodbye-Luncheon-Brunch at his home on Colorado Avenue. Pictures on this page were taken at the 8th Annual Luncheon-Brunch in Congressman Rangel's yard. [[/caption]]

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[[caption]] Pictures taken at 8th Annual Caucus Weekend [[/caption]]

One Million Jobs for Youth Target of Nationwide OIC Campaign

One million youth job placements and one million written appeals to President Carter and the Congress to target federal dollars for youth jobs and training are the dual goals of a nationwide campaign launched by OIC of America.

At a press conference here, Rev. Leon H. Sullivan, founder and chairman of OIC, detailed plans for community "Help Our Youth" rallies which will be held during the week of March 25 in 200 cities when Opportunities Industrialization Centers for the disadvantaged