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The Council of Concerned Black Executives, Inc. was founded in April, 1968. It was the day after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. There was emotion yes, but for the seven Black executives who met, much of their concern was in the realization that there were too few of them: too few Black men and women in the corporate structure of America. Those seven men became the nucleus of a new and different organization that today is still concerned, still committed, and consistently seeking to overcome the obstacles and the challenges of corporate life.

CCBE is a non-profit organization, supported and financed by Black men and women from all facets of business and industry. The dedication and hard work of the CCBE members combines with financial and moral corporate support help make our many programs possible.

CCBE is a professional organization with an Ad Hoc committee responsible for long-range plans and programs. Our members directly benefit from this planning through five standing committees: Program, Human Resources, Public Relations, Finance, and Legal.

The purpose of CCBE, Inc. is two-fold: to serve our membership in their quest to move up the corporate ladder and to serve the Black community. 

More specifically, our objectives are:

• To help present and future Black executives identify the best opportunities for advancement in American corporations.

• To provide, without fee, professional managerial assistance to Black community action and civic groups.

• To assist American corporations in developing and implementing high level executive recruiting and management training programs for Blacks.

• To inform and educate Black students about American corporate life in terms of expectations, procedures, and protocol.

• To engage American corporations in a meaningful dialogue regarding their performance in eliminating racial discrimination in employment and promotion, and to propose positive steps to end this historic pattern.

Serving the Membership 
CCBE Guest Speaker Program:

Through the CCBE Guest Speaker Program, speakers from the public and private sector provide members with fresh view points, ideas and insights into the corporate world.

Guests representing a broad spectrum of interests and professions appear regularly at monthly membership meetings. Some of our guests have been: Dr. Yosef ben Jochannan, Consultant,