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Rosa Coleman 
Avon Representative
Charlotte, North Carolina

A brand new me. That’s how I feel since I became an Avon Representative. Getting out and dealing with the people in my territory has made me a more confident, concerned, contemporary woman.

When I come by, my customers are delighted to see all of the news that’s just right for them. And, I’m really proud that I’m the one who’s bringing it.

Avon is such a warm, friendly, personal way to work. You know, I think it’s helped me to appreciate the good times I spend with my family and friends more than ever.

If becoming an independent Avon Representative sounds interesting to you, call 800-431-1866 toll free. In New York State call collect 212-931-2075. Or write: Avon Products. Inc.
PO BOX 400, Pelham, N.Y. 10803

 © 1980 Avon Products, Inc., N.Y., N.Y.
