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Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
60th Anniversary leadership Boulé
Memphis, Tennessee
July 27 - August 2, 1980

[[image - logo of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority]]

[[caption]] Janice Kissner, Grand Basileus [[/caption]]


July 26, 1980 - Registration - Pre-Convention 
Committee Meetings

July 27, 1980 - Registration Pre-Convention
Public Banquet

July 28, 1980 - Plenary Sessions
Health Fair

July 29, 1980 - Plenary Sessions
Guest Artist  

July 30, 1980 - Evening of Performing Artist
Press Conference
Undergraduate Seminar

July 31, 1980 - Nominations/Elections
Awards Banquet

August 1, 1980 - National Board Meeting

Special Features: Life Members Awards--Legacy
Breakfast with the Founders
Honorary Celebration of Stock's Nest: (Every Black Baby a Healthy Baby)
Pre-Boule' Trip
People's Republic of China
Post Boule' Trip--Mexico

Founded: 1920 on Howard University Campus by Five (5) Young Undergraduate Women.

President Membership: For Five (45) Thousand women, Four Hundred Eighty Five (485) chapters--undergraduate (college), and alumni women--predominately Black. Open membership Chapters in the Carribean--West Africa--Members in the Armed Forces--World Wide.

Founding Purpose: Service-Scholarship-Sisterhood.
Our Hallmark: Finerwomanhood

Goals: To develop academic excellence in members as well as youth who are aspiring to achieve certain career goals.
To promote cultural development through exposure in the Fine Arts in all of its forms.
To develop leadership qualities for enrichment of individual members, as well as the Community at Large.
To be socially conscious of our responsibilities as minority women who can positively impact upon the system through various programs and projects designed to raise the level of consciousness with every one we are privileged to impact upon.

Stork's Nest is an internationally based Prenatal Health Care Project to promote a healthy and sound generation of children (specifically minorities).
An Incentive Program to entreat women of child bearing ages to seek early and continuing Prenatal and Postnatal care. Sixty (60) centers in the United States and West Africa.
Health education programs conducted by skilled women of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority in the following area:
Nutritional Education
Well Body Care
Proper Nursing Techniques
Genetic Counseling
Family Counseling
Human Sexuality
Budget and Finance related to Household Management.
The Entire Concept of Parenting.

YOUTH GROUP: Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. is particularly proud of this phase of programming. Youth from the ages of 10 through 20 are given the  opportunity to develop their talents, acquire new skills, and receive