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[[caption]] Empress Zi-xi's marble boat in Kun-Ming [[cutoff]]ke [[/caption]]

[[caption]] [[cutoff]]dye Henderson (left) and Yvonne Miller of Atlanta and Nora Alexander of New York chat after descent from the Great Wall of China. [[/caption]]

[[caption]] the [[cutoff]]at Great Wall of China [[/caption]]

[[caption]] Dr Chen. Wan-lung, head of Medical facility of Medical College No. 2 of Shanghai (right) discusses medical education with Freddye Henderson of Atlanta. [[/caption]]

[[caption]] Dr. Marquerite Lewie (left) and Nora Alexander, R.N. and precious relic in the People's Republic of China. [[/caption]]

[[caption]] Nora Alexander of Brooklyn, and Dr. Pearl Foster of St. Albans, New York. [/[caption]]