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Choice Tidbits
By Mary Lopez

"Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances." - Thomas Jefferson

I want to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to my wonderful friends who wrote my column while I was on vacation at picturesque Martha's Vineyard, included among whom were Ruth Allen King, Founder of EDGES, Inc. and consultant to Hazeltine, Inc.; Ed Harding, President of Ed Harding Enterprises and Director of Glen Cove Cooperative Center; Lu Willard, President of Lu Willard Enterprises, Inc. and Ruth Clark, President of Clark Unlimited Personnel (CUP).

Summer's end...Even as summer's days dwindled down to a precious few, the August days were absolutely magnificent. The long Labor Day week-end marked, not only a well deserved salute to America's workers, but also the unofficial end of summertime, the return from vacation and "back to the mines."

We reluctantly made the crossing on the ferry from Martha's Vineyard leaving the magic island behind. It has a quiet and simple beauty, but the pleasures it offers to each of us are those we search out - so they can be convivial, happy days or days filled with serenity untold.

They can be close companionship with the sea, afternoons spent with friends and family lolling, picnicking or swimming on a beach that is either small, well sheltered, rocky or rough surf; tennis or golf in the morning; the solitude of woodland paths, horseback riding, fishing, crabbing, bicycling, rollerskating, disco dancing, shopping, or cocktails either on land or aboard luxurious yachts; dinners at home or at quaint or exclusive restaurants.

At Shearer Cottage

Happy times...for the summer residents meant several parties where gaiety and merriment pervaded. Connie Coveney and Vivian Mitchell had a great cocktail party at Vivian's Contemporary home in the ritzy Waterview section. Hermine Thorne had a birthday party for her husband, Dr. Robert Thorne to start off the season. Betty Dixon and the Christopher Pendarvis's welcomed Oak Bluffs people to their afternoon fete. Virgie Lumpkin and Grover Barlow invited friends over to partake of the most delicious gumbo made from the many crabs he caught in the "hole." Faith and Edgar Dale entertained informally and had a few "in between" games. Miriam Walker, the Pearl Mesta of the island, had an affair early in the season for guests Chuck and Brenda Williams, then later she had a big bash at Shearer cottage where the early settlers came with Lance Polk doing the disco bit for Dr. and Mrs. Chester Redhead to rock by. 

Lionel McMurrin hosted an intimate afternoon birthday party for his charming wife, with Lois and E.J.Smith, the Joseph Dargans, the Vernon Bakers, Ruth Clark, Gil McGriff, the Steve Freemans, Bennie Primm and Barbara, Juliet Hansen (Dick Gidron's new cadillac Saleslady), et al. Bonnie and J.J.Smyer entertained at their Vineyard Haven home with its black and purple exterior. Mrs. Lena Powell had an intimate dinner party for Ernesta and John Procope. Jerseyite Judy Price entertained and introduced her new son to the group. Arnold Graham, the handsome Dentist from Teaneck, corroborated with the Norman Smiths for a cook-out at his plush Vineyard Haven home in the woods. Pearl and Teddy Moore had a really big party for all their guests and the Jersey group. Bobby and Goudran Jones entertained Howard Johnson on their yacht. Betty Patrick invited a group of tennis 'buffs' to her brand new home in Vineyard Haven for breakfast after tennis with Barbara Jacquet, Adrienne Lopez, Gloria Hamilton, Jackie Russell and house guest, Ann Hutchinson who strokes on her own chappaqua court with the 'pros'. And speaking of tennis, the usual Labor Day weekend tournament brought enthusiasts from everywhere. Of course, Eyre Saitch was there as usual to present the coveted trophies, compliments of Miller beer. 

Ed Brooke's New Wife

After tennis on Sunday... Hilda Stokeley and Mel Patrick who edit the Delegate, provided their usual lavish party complete with plenty of exotic food of all nations, attracting the beautiful people of the island, including happy Ed Brooke and his new bride, Ann. Everyone agreed that she is as charming as she is beautiful. Ed and his houseguest, Norman Cohen challenged my spouse, George and Modeen Brown, Eula Eikerenkoetter, Jan Cable, Barbara Jacquet and your scribe to a round robin tennis match on his newly re-surfaced court, with Blanche Hubbard and Evelyn Moore as interested spectators.

Daughter Adrienne's Birthday...carefully planned as a small dinner, turned into a big party lasting well into the wee hours. Ruth Allen King visiting Mrs. Miller in Vineyard Haven expressed joy at being on the enchanted island and Ed Harding came by Air New England for a much too brief visit. Lois Mailou Jones had an opening reception to show paintings and water colors at Sculpin Gallery. Many jet-setters preferred the tranquil beauty and privacy of South beach where nudists gathered. 

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jones invited their hosts, Dr. and Mrs. Philip Beach and a select few for lobsters and clams on South Beach. Saw Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Edlin and her mother, Harriet Evans; also Barbara DePasse whose daughter, Suzanne had Diane Ross as houseguest. 

Daisy and Jimmy Hicks, island dwellers, were missing this year, and interested friends were delighted to know that Jimmy is "good as new" and that he will be honored at a special receptions/roast on Thursday, September 20th in the Queen of Sheba room of Small's Paradise. Hicks, Executive Editor of the New York Voice and a veteran newspaper man, has 30-odd years under his belt as a journalist...See you there!!!

So long for now. Peace and Luv.

[[images - scenes at the dinner]]