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[[caption]] Bailey; Eklund; William [[/caption]]

[[caption]] Stokely; Harris; Stevens [[/caption]]

[[caption]] Sansone; Phillips [[/caption]]

[[caption]] Miller Brewing Co. bought a table [[/caption]]

National Urban League Twenty-Third Annual Equal Opportunity Day Dinner

When the National Urban League began observing Equal Opportunity Day 23 years ago, there was actually very little equal opportunity to observe. Race was still a major factor in determining the opportunities available to black Americans. While there were, even then, committed and dedicated individuals, both black and white, working actively to tear down the barriers, discrimination in almost every aspect of American life was the rule rather than the exception.

It was to call the nation's attention to the fact that the doors of opportunity that swung open so freely for others, were not budging to admit the nation's black citizens that the NUL began its Equal Opportunity Day. In the years since then, much has been done to justify the NUL's early optimism that the status of black Americans could be materially changed and doors could be opened. However, the struggle is by no means over. Much has been done but much more remains to be done before it can be truthfully said that equal opportunity is a reality for each and every American. Therefore, it is important in the view of the NUL, that tribute be paid to those individuals of high purpose and noble resolve who have been supportive of our efforts to achieve full equality.

The Equal Opportunity Day Award - our highest honor - was created for that purpose. Tonight we present it to two outstanding individuals who in their professional and personal lives have always been vocal and effective advocates for equal opportunity. Secretary of HEW Patricia Roberts Harris and McGeorge Bundy, former President of the Ford Foundation and now a Professor of History at New York University, richly deserve the honor we pay them. We salute them with pride.