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[[image]] cigarette packs
©1970 B&W T Co.


Now smooth gets smoother and even lower in ‘tar’.

A [[underlined]] light menthol blend [[/underlined]] gives low ‘tar’ smokers the smooth taste they want. Never harsh tasting. Now you can make the smooth move to KOOL Super Lights.

At only 7 mg. ‘tar,’ it’s lower than all these.

[[image]] “Salem” cigarette pack
[[caption]] 16 mg. ‘tar’ [[/caption]]

[[image]] “Newport” cigarette pack 
[[caption]] 18 mg. ‘tar’ [[/caption]]

[[image]] “Salem Lights” cigarette pack]]
[[caption]] 10 mg. ‘tar’ [[/caption]]

[[image]] “Merit Menthol” 
[[caption]] 8 mg. ‘tar’

7 mg. “tar”, 0.7 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method.

Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health.