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[[caption]] Father Kenneth Majors receiving check]] Father Kenneth Majors, Episcopal Church of Incarnation, Miami, Florida, for the National President receives a check for $500 TLOD contribution for the riot victims in Miami. [[/caption]]

[[caption]] Mayor and National President]]  MAYOR OF THE CITY OF MIAMI PRESENTS PROCLAMATION TO NATIONAL PRESIDENT, proclaiming June 27, 1980 as TLOD Day in the City of Miami. [[/caption]]

[[caption]] METRO WASHINGTON, D.C.-our newest Chapter-DELEGATES IN ATTENDANCE. [[/caption]]

[[caption]] NATIONAL OFFICERS AND FOUNDERS [[/caption]]

Historical Data...

The inception of Top Ladies of Distinction, Incorporated, a national, humanitarian, educational, interracial organization, was an outgrowth of a meeting held by Mrs. Lyndon Baines Johnson shortly after she and President Johnson moved into the White House, Washington, D.C.
The first meeting to establish policies and governing laws of the organization was held June 4, 1964, Tyler, Texas.  The first official meeting was held in February 1965, Houston, Texas, with Lady Franchell J. Boswell presiding as the first National President.


The purposes of Top Ladies of Distinction, Incorporated, are:

-To sponsor a youth organization, Top Teens Of America, in order to provide opportunities for the wholesome development of youth's potentials in every facet of living.

-Enhancement of the status of all women - members and non-members.

-Enrichment of the optimal living  of "Senior Citizens,"

-To help keep America beautiful by beautifying the physical and psychological environments in our respective communities.

Thus, TLOD aims to enhance the usefulness in general and advance the ideals, standards, and general welfare of the community through service, by encouraging and promoting such activities that are conducive to community betterment.


Top Ladies of Distinction, Incorporated, is composed of distinguished women who are interested in the well-being of all individuals - youth and adults - and in the preservation of values significant to wholesome living.  The classes of membership are: Active, Syn-Lod, Life and Honorary. The "Lords," who are husbands and sweethearts of the "Top Ladies" are known as the TLOD Auxiliary.


The Annual Convention of the total membership is known as Syn-Lod.  It meets in various cities, usually the end of the third week in June.  Each Chapter has representation in proportion to its Chapter membership.


The Administrative Board is known as Parliamen-Top, whose membership is the governing body of TLOD.  It consists of all elected and appointed National Officers, Charter Members, Past Presidents , a Member-at-Large from each Area, and Chairmen of Standing Committees.


Chapters are composed of not less than five members.  They are located in six geographical areas of the United States:

Area I - Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana

Area II - Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, District of Columbia, New York, New Jersey, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine

Area III - Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota

Area IV - Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida

Area V - Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylva [[page cut off]]

Area VI - Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, California, C[[page cut off]]rado, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Idaho, Alaska Ha[[page cut off]] and Canada


TLOD s pursuing its broad objectives collectively and indiv[[page cut off]]ally through its four major thrusts.  These are:

Top Teens of America: Programs are organized and supervis[[page cut off]] by TLOD which sponsor youth in cultural and civic activities, v[[page cut off]]unteer service projects, and other worthwhile community endeavo[[page cut off]]

Enhancing the Status of Women: Programs and projects [[page cut off]] designed to utilize the time, talents, skills and total resources TLOD members for the purpose of enhancing the state of all wom[[page cut off]]

Enriching the lives of "Senior Citizens": A wide variety programs and projects are planned and executed to aid in optimal living of "Senior Citizens", thereby assisting them to m[[page cut off]] adequately enjoy their "twilight years".

Community Beautification: Projects are devised and execu[[page cut off]] within our organization and in cooperation with other commu[[page cut off]] agencies which improve the environmental living conditions  citizens.

TOP TEENS assist individually and collectively in all of the programmatic thrusts.

National Projects

Support of the United Negro College Fund

Support of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, particularly through Chapter and individual Life Memberships

Awarding Scholarships on a National Level

Recently, we have made provisions to give financial support to NCNW and The Black Women's Agenda

Local Projects

Support of the United Negro College Fund

Support of the NAACP through Chapter and individual Life Memberships 

Awarding Scholarships on a Local Level

Executing any other worthy community-service projects as need indicates


The official organ of TLOD is published annually and is called 

TLOD Emblem: The Crown
TLOD Flower: The Orchid
TLOD Colors: Gold, Silver, Pink

[[caption]] Appreciation bouquet for UNCF National Office presented to TLOD for its contributions.  Presentation is being made by Dorothy Baker, UNCF Area Development Director. [[/caption]]