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Washington, D.C., Hilton Hotel-September, 24-26, 1981

Friday, September 26, 1980


Plenary Session
8:45 A.M. - 10:45 A.M.
B-338 Rayburn House Office Building
Capitol Hill

(1) Welcome Remarks:
Congresswoman Cardiss Collins,
Chairwoman, Congressional
Black Caucus

(2) Overview of Legislative Weekend:
Congressman Julian C. Dixon, Chairman,
Congressional Black Caucus
10th Annual Legislative Weekend

(3) Keynote Speaker:
The Honorable Richard Hatcher,
Mayor of Gary, Indiana,
Coordinator National Conference on
a Black Agenda for the 80's

Morning Session
10:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.
-Criminal Justice 
-Voter Participation/Network Development
-Full Employment
-Science and Technology

No Host Luncheon
Capitol Hill Locations
12:30 P.M. - 1:15 P.M.

Afternoon Session
1:30 P.M. - 3:30 P.M.
-Blacks in the Corporate Structure
-Health (continued)
Minority Enterprise/Economic Development
-International Affairs
-Voter Participation/Network Development (continued)

3:30 P.M. - 5:30 P.M.
-International Affairs (continued)
-Energy (continued)
-Youth (continued)

In the 1980's, the role of the Black family is a critical one. During the 10th Annual Congressional Black Caucus Legislative Weekend, the Caucus will focus its attention on the Black Agenda for the 80's. The theme of the Congressional Black Caucus Weekend is "Congressional Black Caucus Decade of Achievement: A Salute to the Black Family." It is critical that bottom line issues affecting the Black family be identified and addressed during the 1980's if the Black nation is to survive.
The time has come for aggressive and sober action, and the Congressional Black Caucus would like to join them in Washington, D.C., September 26, 1980 to participate in the Congressional Black Caucus Braintrust Workshops and Hearings. Our emphasis will be on opening dialogue between the grass roots community, traditional Black leadership, the church, youth, Black corporate executives, and Black elected officials.
Come to the 10th Annual Congressional Black Caucus Legislative Weekend and find out how you can work with the Caucus in shaping the Role of the Black Family in the 80's.


[[2 images]]
Congressman William H. Gray, III
Congresswoman Cardiss Collins

During the decade of the 80's, the Congressional Black Caucus will stress to the Administration and Congress the need for a foreign policy that addresses the needs of the poor and the oppressed in the Caribbean, Africa, and the Third World generally. Economic assistance and trade that we provide must help to remove patterns of dependence inherent in colonial relationships. Such policy should also focus on a transfer of technology, job creation, upward mobility and take into account the human costs that occur with modernization.
During the 10th Annual Legislative Weekend, the International Affairs Braintrust will examine: (1) access and performance of minority business resource centers doing business in the Third World countries; (2) legislative initiatives such as the Export Company Act and African Development Foundation, as well as, the examination of existing international economic lending institutions; (3) the impact of the United States on the Caribbean, Africa, and the Middle East in terms of economic, political, and military force; who decides these policies and who benefits from these policies? (4) review of recent developments in refugee and immigration policies which have demonstrated a continuing bias toward Black refugees.