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Continued from page 252

1972 - Held hearings on "Racism in the Media."
1972 - Held National Policy Conference on Education for Black Americans.
1974 - Introduced the Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act to reduce both unemployment and inflation.
1974 - Met with President Gerald Ford and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger regarding U.S. policy toward Africa.
1975 - Held Fully Employment Conference to generate public awareness about the Humphrey-Hawkins bill. The conference included Vice President Nelson Rockefeller as well as the leadership of the U.S. House of Representatives.
1975 - Initiated planning for the development of the CBC National Action Alert Communications Support Network in congressional districts throughout the country.
1975 - Worked for passage of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act.
1975 - Worked for extension of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which resulted in an increased number of state and local Black elected officials.
1976 - Worked with the National Coalition of Black Voter Participation - Operation Big Vote to further increase the number of registered Black voters.
1976 - Developed the Congressional Black Caucus Graduate Intern Program to increase the number of Black professionals working for Congressional Committees.
1976 - Established the CBC Foundation, a tax-exempt organization which conduct educational and social policy research.
1976 - Worked for the inclusion of the Humphrey-Hawkins bill in the Democratic Party Platform.
1977 - Worked for the passage of an amendment to the Public Works Employment to the Public Works Employment Act which provides that 10% of the $4 billion of federal funds authorized for programs be spent with minority firms.
1977 - Initiated along with the Coalition of Labor, Civil Rights and Women's Organizations, a reorganization plan for the federal enforcement of the Civil Rights Act through the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
1977 - Formalized the establishment of the National Black Leadership Roundtable.
1977 - Mobilized support for opposition to affirmative action programs particularly the Bakke and Weber Cases of 1977 and 1978.
1979 - Created the Department of Network Development within the Caucus staff operation to further develop the Communications Support Network.
1979 - Held first Southern Regional Forum in May 1979 in Birmingham, Alabama, which united 1,000 representatives from 11 Southern states to articulate legislative issues affecting Black Americans.
1979 - Introduced the Martin Luther King Bill to establish his birthday as a national holiday.
1979 - Initiated a budget mobilization effort to address severe budget cuts proposed for human service programs in the fiscal year 1981 federal budget.
1979 - Defeated the Mottl Anti-Busing Amendment which declared busing to achieve racial balance in public schools to be unconstitutional.
1980 - Mobilized support for and brought attention to the plight of the Haitian refugees. The Caucus also introduced legislation to ensure humane treatment for these "Black Boat People."
1980 - Published the Black Voter Guidelines for 1980.
1980 - Mobilized opposition to the Ashbrook Amendment which would prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from investigating the validity of tax exempt status for private schools, which were established in response to court orders to integrate public schools.
1980 - Evaluated Small Business Administration practices and the impact of the agency's policy on small Black businesses.
1980 - Initiated budget mobilization effort to oppose the drastic federal cuts in human service programs included in the fiscal year 1981 budget.

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[[caption]] Among the corporate world whose hospitality regaled delegates and friends attending the 10th Annual Black Caucus Weekend were: Miller Brewing Co., Carnation Milk, Phillip Morris Co., Sommerset Distillers, ITT Continental Baking Co., CBS Record Co., National Black Network, U.S. Brewers Ass'n. and Seagram's Corp. [[/caption]]

The CBC has been aggressive and forthright in its efforts to address the inequities of this country's domestic as well as foreign policies. This past decade of achievement, which we celebrate this weekend, would not have been possible without the support of numerous organizations and individuals like you. Yet, our task has only begun.

With the advent of more conservative political and economic policies and attitudes, as well as the resurgence of organizations like the Ku Klux Klan and the "Moral Majority," the CBC must have your continued support if we are to provide an effective voice to counter the forces which threaten the progress of Blacks and the presentation of our achievements. Your active political participation in your communities throughout the nation will ensure a constant focus on issues of concern to minorities in this country, as well as strengthen the effectiveness of the Congressional Black Caucus.

The first decade of the CBC has been one of achievement. We must continue to collectively work toward bringing about a more secure future for Black Americans and other underrepresented peoples.