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[[8 images - scenes from the program]]

In the program notes that provided insights into why Mr. Shapiro was selected, these words were used.
"As we move into the 1980's, Mr. Shapiro sees the most important problem facing business leaders as that of finding jobs for unemployed blacks and Hispanics...As he has been in the larger world, Mr. Shapiro has been a powerful force for equal opportunity within his own company. In 1979, as an example, DuPont purchased supplies, services and equipment worth $8.7 million from minority enterprises, up $1.1 million from 1978, and it also maintained deposits in 25 minority banks and carried insurance policies with four minority firms. In addition, DuPont maintained 250 affirmative action programs in 1979 to ensure that minority and female employees were represented fairly in local work forces.

Of Ms. Norton the program said: "Restructure EEOC she did.

Changes came rapidly. There were the centralization of various EEOC activities, the installation of new interviewing procedures to accept or reject new cases more quickly, the establishment of separate staff to process the backlogs and most important, a major shift in the agency's overall emphasis...Through her strength, courage and wisdom, she has guided EEOC down a new road and in the process has proven once again, that equal opportunity makes sense for the country."

In paying tribute to Mr. Shapiro and Ms. Norton the National Urban League saluted them with pride.