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with the National Urban League's
Black Executive Exchange Program.
Renee du Jean, Director

[[image - Renee du Jean]]
[[caption]] "BEEP has helped prepare an estimated 250,000 black students for professional careers." [[/caption]]

Q. What is the function of the National Urban League's Black Executive Exchange Program (BEEP)?

A. BEEP enlists black executives from a cross section of American business and professional life to lecture in black universities and colleges. These executives not only provide authoritative, up-to-date career information but also serve as business and professional role models.

Q. There are other programs that provide business and professional role models to black students. What's different about BEEP?

A. For one thing, BEEP is offered to students as a credit-earning program. Also, the executives who participate are honored by the colleges or university with the status of a full visiting professor. They lecture in a wide range of courses related to their expertise, e.g. marketing, applied engineering, accounting and chemistry.

Q. Has the program generated a lot of interest and support?

A. In ten years of operation, BEEP'S initial roster of 57 executives and 51 corporations has grown to nearly 2,000 men and women who represent over 540 corporations and government agencies. They account for over 2,400 campus visits. Their involvement, in terms of dollar value represents an annual investment of more than a million and a half dollars a year by the private and public sector.

Q. What, in your opinion, accounts for his support?

A. In a word, achievement. Since 1969, this program has had a direct hand in preparing an estimated 250,000 black students—at 65 traditionally black schools—for entry into professional careers. A number of BEEP students, who have gone on to successful careers, are now passing along the benefits of their experience by becoming BEEP visiting professors.

[[image - Renee du Jean]]
[[caption]] "Executives from 540 corporations and government agencies take part in BEEP." [[/caption]]

Q. Is BEEP a federally funded program?

A. No. So far BEEP has been funded by private sources: a combination of individual, foundation and corporate contributions. And the more we expand, the more we need help. Anyone who would like to learn more can contact me at BEEP, National Urban League, 500 East 62nd St., New York, New York, 10021.

[[image - Renee du Jean]]
[[caption]] "BEEP lecturers are honored with the status of full visiting professor." [[/caption]]

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