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[[caption]] ITT Continental Baking Company appointed Howard J. White as assistant manager of staffing.  His duties include personnel recruitment and employee counselling.  In addition, he will assist in coordinating equal employment opportunity for the general office staff. [[/caption]]

[[caption]] Dan Roberts (left), General Manager of Amalgamated Publshers Inc., David Kiernan, Vice President of Corporate Affairs ITT Continental Baking Company, and Robert Jackson (right), Vice President of Amalgamated Publishers, Inc., are shown discussing a part of the recently released Scarborough Report on Black newspaper audience readership by Amalgamated with funding in part from ITT Continental Baking to the National Newspaper Publisher's Association. [[/caption]]

[[caption]] Will Camp, Jr., general manager of ITT Continental Baking's Davenport Bakery (left), and Clarence T. Weekes, senior purchasing agent at the corporate headquarters (center), were among the employees chosen by Continental to be honored at the Eleventh Annual YMCA "Salute to Black Achievers in Industry" awards dinner held at Sheraton Centre, New York City.  Shown with the honorees is Lauren H. Batty, chairman and president of ITT Continental Baking, (right). [[/caption]]

[[caption]] ITT Continental Baking Representatives at the 1981 National Urban League Convention in Washington, D.C. (left to right) Lisle Carter, Congressman Robert Garcia, Dolly Christian, Horace Morris, and Gloria Rascoe, Public Affairs Associate, ITT Continental Baking Co. [[/caption]]

Maker of Fine Bakery Goods and other Products