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Exceptional Human Beings

[[caption]] Dr. Augustus A. White III [[/caption]]

Orthopaedic surgeon-in-chief at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston ... professor of orthopaedic surgery at the Harvard Medical School and the Harvard - MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology ... has done extensive research on the spine and fracture healing ... earned B.A. degree from Brown University, M.D. degree from Stanford University, and doctorate of medical science from Karolinska Institute in Sweden ... served in the U.S. Army's Medical Corps in South Viet Nam and California, and was awarded the Bronze Star ... was named one of the U.S. Jaycees' "Ten Outstanding Young Men" in 1969 ... trustee emeritus of Brown University and current member of Brown's board of fellows ... recipient of honorary master of science degrees from Yale University and Harvard University ... member of the U.S. Delegation to The People's Republic of China in 1979 ... active in numerous medical organizations and prolific author of articles on orthopaedic surgery.

[[caption]] Dr. Jewel Plummer Cobb [[/caption]]

A cell physiologist whose research has led to new discoveries in the growth of normal and malignant pigment cells and cancer chemotherapy ... has represented the United States as a leading cancer researcher at international symposiums ... distinguished educator and administrator who became president of California State University, Fullerton in October 1981 ... previously served as dean of Douglass College and professor of biological sciences at Rutgers University for five years ... dean of Connecticut College and professor of zoology from 1969-1976 and biology professor at Sarah Lawrence College for nine years ... received her B.A. degree in biology from Talladega College and her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in cell physiology from New York University ... was selected for the Annual Woman of Achievement Award by New York University in 1979 ... actively involved promoting greater representation of women in science, international science, and in developing programs for minority youth in science.

[[caption]] Dr. Lloyd N. Ferguson [[/caption]]

Received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California, Berkeley ... distinguished educator for more than 35 years who is currently professor of chemistry at California State University, Los Angeles ... taught chemistry at Howard University from 1945-1965 and served as visiting professor at the University of Nairobi, Kenya ... won California State University's board of trustees' Outstanding Professor Award in 1981 and the National Organization of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers' Outstanding Teaching Award in 1979 ... also received American Chemical Society Award in chemical education in 1978 ... holds honorary doctorate degrees from Howard University and Coe College ... studied at the Carlsberg Laboratory in Copenhagen, Denmark under a Guggenheim Fellowship and at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich under a National Science Foundation Faculty Fellowship ... has worked throughout his career encouraging minority and disadvantaged youth to enter science professions.