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LEADERSHIP - designed to provide theoretical and pragmatic training in leadership for high school students, undergraduates and graduates.
COLLABORATION - designed to maximize Alpha Kappa Alpha's strength and support through collaborative projects with organizations that have potential for making a difference in the quality of life for all people.


Grants and Scholarships are the channels through which Alpha Kappa Alpha perpetuates its commitment to scholarship and service. Grants and scholarships are given to individuals who have demonstrated excellence.

This section catalogues national honors; however, local chapters also provide these honors for individuals in their communities.


To produce a pool of trained young leaders, Alpha Kappa Alpha selects 30 undergraduate women from throughout the nation each year who have maintained B averages or above, demonstrated leadership, and excelled in writing an assigned essay. They undergo a wee of intensive training on leadership development. Labelled Leadership Fellows, the program provides training in problem solving, decision making, conflict management, management by objectives, public speaking, research and organization, parliamentary law, debate and discussion, meaning and use of power, public speaking, and socialization


Each year, Alpha Kappa Alpha provides the opportunity for young women to gain primary knowledge on varied places through structured travel tours. During odd years, the sorority sponsors the Domestic Travel Tour. Based on their entries in an essay contest, 40 high school junior and senior females with B averages or above are selected for an expense-paid educational tour of some region of the United States.

During even years, Alpha Kappa Alpha sponsors a Foreign Travel Tour. The undergraduate with the highest cumulative average in each region is awarded this grant to travel to a country outside the continental United States.


Annually, through the Hanes Corporation, and M&M Products, Alpha Kappa Alpha awards $2,000 to high school graduating scholars who have demonstrated excellence, as evidenced by their cumulative grade-point average and writing skills. The scholarships, given in honor of Supreme Basileus Barbara K. Phillips, are known as the Barbara K. Phillips Scholarships. 

[[caption]] Dr. Phillips addressing a political rally. [[/caption]]

[[caption]] Founders' Window located at Howard University, Alpha Kappa Alpha's birthplace. [[/caption]]

[[caption]] Miles, Williams, Warwick, Cook [[/caption]]

[[image - two women]