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More Than $1 Million

The imperial Potentate Noble Harry E. Smith, of AEAONMS, Inc. PHA, announced that Prince Hall Shriners and Daughters of Isis members presented education Scholarships, financial grants, and PH Shrine Health and Medical Research Foundation awards totaling more than $1 million to individuals and organizations. 

The Imperial Potentate said that he, the Imperial Commandress, and several other top ranking elected and appointed officers of the Imperial divans in the Council and Court have traveled some 5,000 miles to cities and towns in 15 states and overseas to present the financial awards and grants.
The awards were made in person to colleges, hospitals, individuals, civic and fraternal organizations, and to universities to assist them in upgrading education of students already in schools, to assist those students entering institutions of higher learning for the first time, to aid in financing special programs and projects, and to assist medical research foundations and other similar units throughout the world to help those groups improve on and/or eliminate dreaded diseases common to all mankind. 
Many of the awards were made with a stipulation that funds received would be earmarked to purchase much needed items of equipment and supplies and to further enhance the ongoing program of medical research projects at colleges, universities, and several medical research foundations.

"The need of funding sources seeking higher education and organizations needing our money, regardless of race, creed or national origin in this nation is more acute now than at any other time in the history of our fraternal order, the Imperial Potentate said.

Money donated included specific amounts to the following national agencies and organizations throughout the world. American