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Donated to Worthy Causes

Heart Association, Virginia affiliate; Deborah Hospital Medical Research Center, New Jersey; Harlem Hospital Medical Research Center, New York; Howard University Medical Research Center, Washington, D.C.; March of Dimes Foundation; Meherry [[Meharry]] Medical College, Nashville, Tenn.; Mental Health and Retardation Research Foundation; Michigan Cancer Research Foundation, Detroit; Moorland-Springarn [[Spingarn]] Research Center, Howard University, Washington, D.C.; NAACP; NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund; National Association for Sicle [[Sickle]] Cell Anemia Diseases; and the National Scholarship Service for Negro Students (NSSFNS).

Also National Jewish Hospital and Center, Denver, Colo.

National Urban League; Pine Acre Camp, Incorporated, Connecticut; PUSH, Inc., Chicago, Ill.

Roscoe C. Washington Student Aid Fund; Roswell Park Memorial Institute; School of Veterinary Medicine, Tuskegee Institute; United Negro College Fund, nationwide, and the Ursula Hines-Botts Education Scholarship Awards program.

Most of the funds received for these donations were given by members of some 360 Prince Hall Shrine temples, courts and clubs all over the world; by the officers of the Fish Bowl Classic Football game, played annually at Norfolk, Va., and in Dayton, Ohio (Ohio Shrine Football Classic), the International Longshoreman Association, ILA, Norfolk, Va.; the American Tobacco Company, Schenley Distillers, and the Champion Spark Plug Co. of Toledo, Ohio.

Many other individuals and organizations, too numerous to mention here, have also made annual contributions to all of these worthwhile causes and projects.

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