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Sept. 24-26⁠--Washington Hilton Hotel

[[7 images]]

- 1975-Worked for passage of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act.

- 1975-Initiated planning for the development of the CBC National Action Act Alert 
Communications Support Network in congressional districts throughout the country.

- 1976-Established the CBC Foundation, a tax-exempt organization which conducts educational and social policy research.

- 1976-Developed the Congressional Black Caucus Graduate Intern Program to increase the number of Black professionals working for Congressional Committees.

- 1977-Formalized the establishment of the National Black Leadership Roundtable.

- 1977 - Worked for the passage of an amendment to the Public Works Employment Act which provides that 10% of the $4 billion of federal funds authorized for programs be spent with minority firms.

- 1979-Introduced the Martin Luther King Bill to establish his birthday as a national holiday.

- 1979-Defeated the Mottl Anti-Busing Amendment which declared busing to achieve racial balance in public schools to be unconstitutional.

- 1979-Organized a budget mobilization to resist major cuts in social domestic human survival programs and to push for cuts in the military budget.

- 1980-Mobilized support for and brought attention to the plight of the Haitian refugees. The Caucus also introduced legislation to ensure humane treatment for these "Black Boat People."

- 1980-Published the Black Voter Guidelines for 1980.