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As usual Congressman Charles Rangel gave a delightful "Get- Home-Safe" party for his constituents and friends from New York. 

Honorable Ronald V. Dellums
Democrat (8th District-California)

Honorable Parren J. Mitchell
Democrat (7th District-Maryland)

Honorable Charles B. Rangel
Democrat (19th District-New York)

Honorable Cardiss Collins
Democrat (7th District-Illinois)

Honorable Harold E. Ford
Democrat (8th District-Tennessee)

Honorable Mickey Leland
Democrat (18th District-Texas)

Honorable George W. Crockett, Jr.
Democrat (13th District-Michigan)

Honorable Mervyn Dymally
Democrat (31st District-California)

Honorable Gus Savage
Democrat (1st District-Illinois)

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