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to help remedy the conditions of those too powerless to help themselves. Each is also committed to providing guidance for our youth, assistance for our elderly, economic self-sufficiency for our community and unyielding support for others who strive to make our lives more rewarding.

We thank you for joining us on this very special occasion.

Reception & Cocktails
Imperial Ballroom A

Imperial Ballroom B

Keynote Speaker
The Honorable SAmuel R. Pierce, Jr.

Awards Ceremony
Business Achievement Award
Charles B. Wallace
Wallace & Wallace

Communications Award
Felipe Luciano

Community Service Award
Hilda Stokely

Public Service Award
Herman D. Farrell, Jr.
New York State Legislature

The Kenneth E. Marshall Humanitarian Award
William Hatcher
The Council Center For Problems of Living

Harlem Commonwealth Council Foundation, Inc.
Scholarship Presentation
Ewell W. Finley Scholarship Award
Andrew Young Scholarship Award

Arlene Colon, Lisa Harvey, Nathaniel Maldonado, Antonio Pagan