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[[caption]]Installation ceremonies for 1981 Martin Luther King Memorial Parade in which David Dinkins, City Clerk, was [[cutoff]] and Gordon Davis, Park Commissioner, and Mrs. Lillian Roberts, Associate Director of A.F.S.C.M.E. were Deputy Gra--[[/caption]]

369th Veterans' Association

Convention 1981

The 369th Veteran's Association Annual Convention was held on October 9th through October 12th, 1981 at the Dutch Inn in Orlando, Florida. On arrival we discovered our landing was a very noteworthy occasion because our chartered Pan American 747 was the first plane of its type to land at the new Orlando International Airport. Airlines personnel and others at the airport rushed to view the plane as it taxied to the gate. The event was covered by local television stations and other news media.

Although participation in this year's convention was below expectations, it was, nevertheless, a meaningful and memorable event. Chairman Teddy Edwards and his Convention Committee are to be commended for their hard work and a very successful weekend.

Saturday was "the wonderful world of Disney Day" for most of the group. Many of us found it strange exploring Disney World and taking in many of the rides and exhibits without the assistance of little ones.

At Sunday's Church service the Reverend Carl Taylor gave another of his spring sermons. The Jones High School choral group from Florida under the direction of Ms. Edna Hargrett, favored us with some beautiful singing.

At the Banquet, held on Sunday evening John H. Hamilton, Jr., executive Vice President, welcomed the gathering and introduced the dais guests. He also read the letter of greetings from Vice President George Bush. Next he presented the Association's Service Awards to Teddy Edwards and James "Spike" Glover, both of whom retired from their civilian jobs this year but are still working hard for the organization.

Kenneth J. Myles, Administrative Vice President, then called for the Life Members to be recognized and reminded the members of their value to the organization, and our hope for their continued active participation.

Brigadier General Bruce Jacobs from the National Guard Bureau, speaking in behalf of both the Chief of the National Guard, Lt. General Leverne Weber and the President of the National Association of the United States, said in his remarks that the National Guard family was very proud of the 369th, a successor of the old 15th New York Infantry and said that it was not generally known that 15th Regiment of New York was the last National Guard Regiment of modern times to go into battle