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The Tuskegee Airmen Scholarship Fund

The United States can no longer afford to waste young minds. Each year thousands of talented young men and women are unable to attend college, university or a technical school because they cannot afford the tuition. Many never even apply, believing that further education is financially out of the question for them.

Since humble beginnings should not be a deterrent in the pursuit of a career, the Tuskegee Airmen have established the Tuskegee Airmen Scholarship Fund. For many it means the difference between a marginal existence that denies skills and education and a life as a fulfilled, productive achiever.

In order to help financially disadvantaged young people to pursue careers in aviation and aerospace the Airmen have launched their most ambitious undertaking to date — the development of a $1,000,000 endowment fund. Contributions to the fund are placed with the Trust Department of Bank Of America. Interest from the endowment will be used to provide scholarships for young men and women regardless of race, creed or national origin who competitively qualify.

Scholarships are awarded each year in the name of several of America's black patriots; General Daniel "Chappie" James, the first black American to achieve the status of a four-star General; The Honorable William H. Hastie, the first black governor of the Virgin Islands and Chief Judge of the United States Third Circuit Court of Appeals; Charles B. Hall, the first black pilot to destroy an enemy aircraft in aerial combat; and Wendell O. Pruitt, an outstanding pilot who was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal with six oak leaf clusters.

The future of any great nation is tied closely to its air power. Those who design, fly and maintain our aircraft and aerospace vehicles are of vital importance to the United States.

The Tuskegee Airmen are finding and helping talented, energetic young Americans who might not otherwise be able to share in helping shape America's future.

They invite your assistance in their quest for a better America.

The Tuskegee Airmen Scholarship Fund
1675 Virginia Road
Los Angeles, California 90019

The Tuskegee Airmen

Continued from page 247

"The challenge was met by hearts that were strong. From hamlets, towns and cities… in a steady procession they came to Tuskegee. O tell me, lad, of that day long ago; of the 'Black Boy' from Tuskegee over Anzio."
— John H. Young III