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Final Tribute of Respect to Clarence D. King

Mr. Clarence D. King was born in Danville, Virginia. He was a graduate of Virginia Union University, Richmond, Virginia, and pursued further study at Columbia University, New York City. Mr. King, a businessman and resident of Harlem for many years, had been generous in helping community activities where the purpose is to encourage youth to train for a productive and independent future. 

He was an active member of the following organizations: 
Trustee, Chairman of the Board, Abyssinian Baptist Church 
Board member of Harlem Branch YMCA, Finance and Executive Committee 
Member Board of Directors, United Mutual Life Ins. Co., Chairman, Finance Committee 
Board member of Harlem Teams for Self Help, Inc., member Executive Committee
One of the founders and Chairman Board of Directors of Carver Federal Savings and Loan Association
Life member of the NAACP 
Trustee of Virginia Union University
Member of the Reveille Club 
Member and former National Secretary-Treasurer of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity 

Clarence D. King was licensed to preach by Rev. Adam Clayton Powell, Sr., and for several years was a pulpit associate at the Abyssinian Baptist Church. 

In 1957, the Vocational Guidance Workshop Center honored Mr. King for his outstanding community service. In 1971, he received a Citation from the Savings and Loan League of the State of New York. In 1972, he was named "Man of the Year" by the YMCA. In 1974, the Abyssinian Baptist Church honored Mr. King with a Testimonial Salute for his years of dedicated service and sacrifice. 

Mr. King was an acute businessman and Christian gentleman, and an unselfish benefactor for many people in the community of Harlem. He will be missed by all who knew and loved him. 

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