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[[image: monochrome photos of people]]
hour came in which he declared his intent to seek the mayorality post--Wasn't it the folks-he had befriended and carried in high places in that community the first to desert him?

Where was Lou Rudin, Preston Tish, Joe Kepnes, Abe Beame and a host of others who sung his praises, when he needed them.

Percy declared at 10 O'clock one morning in February and by noon the same day a lot of those friends left for Florida or were too busy praying in their synagogue. And where was Jerry Finklestein the father of Percy's successor in office. What happened to all those promises made to protect the staff Percy was to leave behind. Of course these promises were later flatly denied because the day his successor took office, Percy's staff was called in and summarily dismissed.

Then others ask why didn't Percy resign in time to throw the election of a successor into the City Council? If this was done wouldn't this have assured to appointment of a certain Black Councilman to keep this office for us Blacks?

And what became of those deals Percy was to have to financial aid from the Kennedy clan, which never materialized? And what happened to the deal he was supposed to have had with Abe Beame, whom he supported for Mayor, and who was only supposed to serve for a term then support Percy to supplant him?

And too what happened to the so called coalition supposedly worked out with Black and Hispanic politicians for support for Percy?--to aid him fight the Jewish candidate--But why go on.

Percy lost in the bid for Mayor because of the old Church house rules changed once again. He lost because he in his faith in others outside of Harlem so infuriated a large portion of young harlemites who did not feel that they should be called upon to support a candidate just because he was Black. If 33,000 more Blacks had come out and voted for Percy on that fateful Primary day he would have been elected the democratic standard bearer for the office and not its present insensitive office holder who feels and rightfully so that he does not owe the Black community anything.

As this great man left the political arena should not his legacy be more than popularity and showmanship?

[[images: series of line-ups of people in evening wear at functions]]