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[[image - eagle]]


Cordially Invite you TO A VERY SPECIAL RECEPTION in the Jefferson Room of the Washington Hilton Hotel Saturday, September 18, 1982 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Brewers of: Budweiser  Michelob  Busch  Natural Light  Michelob Light  Budweiser Light

Following are excerpts from a speech by August A. Busch III at CAL-PAC's Ninth Annual Scholarship Awards Banquet in Los Angeles on May 28, 1982

It is a great pleasure to be with you this evening for CAL-PAC's ninth annual scholarship awards banquet. I congratulate CAL-PAC for its fine work on behalf of local retailers, and I salute CAL-PAC scholarship fund for the outstanding work in identifying students to receive the financial aid which you generate. The community benefits directly from you activities and you deserve everyone's respect for the many contributions you made.

I would like to speak with you this evening about the importance of a partnership between you, the retailer, and us, the brewer, as we face the challenges of the '80s.


We take the concept of a partnership seriously. Here in Los Angeles, most of you know Ed Lara, our Southwest Los Angeles wholesaler and a member of the Wholesale Advisory Panel and J.T. Stevens, marketing manager for our regional sales office. These men and their associates are in the marketplace on a daily basis listening to what you, the retailer, need from us, the brewer, to help your business. Only be keeping our ears attuned to your needs, can we develop programs which will help generate enthusiasm among consumers, and increased business for you. This sharing of mutual interests and goals benefits all of us. Promotions such as the "Dr. Martin Luther King Awards Luncheon" and "Michelob's Salute to Black Women" are designed to help you generate customer enthusiasm and to tell the community that we do, indeed, care.

[[caption]] CONGRESSIONAL GATHERING - Members of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. and corporate officers of Anheuser-Busch gather during recent Black Caucus convention in the nation's capitol. Anheuser-Busch sponsors the annual "V.I.P. Very Special" reception to honor the nation's black congressmen. The company also donated $10,000 for the CBC legislative internship program. From left are Congressman Louis Stokes (D-Cleveland), chairman of the intern program; Henry H. Brown, vice president of market development affairs, Anheuser-Busch, Inc.; William Clay (D-St. Louis); Mrs. Alma Rangel, president of the CBC auxiliary and wife of Congressman Charles Rangel; Wayman F. Smith, III, vice president of corporate affairs, Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc.; and Congressman Rangel (D-New York). [[/caption]]


Transcription Notes:
image - Anheuser-Busch logo image - photo of people