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[[3 photographs total]] 

[[center photograph caption]] M.W. ELI J. ALLEN III 
Grand Master 

[[text left column]] 
M . . W . . Eli J Allen III, 33 [[degree symbol]] 
Grand Mater 
R . . W . . Ernest C. Middleton, Jr., 33 [[degree symbol]]
Deputy Grand Master 
R . . W . . Fred D. Parris, 33 [[degree symbol]] 
Junior Grand Warden 
R . . W . . Carter L Jackson, 33 [[degree symbol]] 
Grand Treasurer 
R . . W . . Harry Stephens, Jr., 33 [degree symbol]] 
Grand Secretary 

[[text center column]] 
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge 
of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York 

[[text right column]] 
R . . W. . Leslie C. Norris, Jr., 32 [[degree symbol]]
Chairman, Trustees 
R . . W . . William L. Davis, 32 [[degree symbol]] 
Grand Trustee
R . . W . . Walter W. Furr, 32 [[degree symbol]] 
Grand Trustee
R . . W . . John W. Bartee, 32 [[degree symbol]] 
Grand Trustee
R . . W. . Adolphus O. Smith, 32 [[degree symbol]] 
Grand Trustee
R . . W . . Edwin Johnson, 33 [[degree symbol]] 
Grand Trustee
R . . W . . Charles Long, 33 [[degree symbol]] 
Grand Trustee
R . . W . . Homer Chaney, 33 [[degree symbol]] 
Grand Trustee
R . . W . . Alfred L. Fields, 33 [[degree symbol]] 
Grand Trustee

[[bottom left photograph caption]] R.W. SOLOMON WALLACE 65 
Deputy Grand Master 

Grand Lodge Officers 

[[bottom right photograph caption]] R.W. ERNEST C. MIDDLETON, JR 38 
Senior Grand Warden