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instrumental music, vocal music, film making, photography, painting, drawing, oratory and creative dancing.
Cash awards accompanying the Olympic medals were $1,000 for gold, $750 for silver and $500 for bronze.
"This is our fifth ACT-SO competition and it proves once again that we have an enormous body of black talent that only needs discovery and nurturing," declared Benjamin L. Hooks, executive director of the National NAACP.
ACT-SO is the creation of Vernon Jarrett, a syndicated columnist for the Chicago Tribune and a Chicago television and radio personality. 
Jarrett is national chairman of ACT-SO and Dr. Walter Massey director of the Argonne National Laboratories and University of Chicago professor of physics, is co-chairman. Honorary chairman is Benjamin E. Mays, president emeritus of Morehouse College and 1982 winner of the coveted Spingarn Medal.
ACT-SO'S growth has been nothing short of sensational since it was launched with 13 cities competing in Portland in 1978. In 1979 at the Louisville Convention, the cities leaped to 39. At Miami Beach, 76 cities competed and last year at Denver, nearly 300 students represented 85 cities.
The competitors represented every section of the country, as far west of Alaska and Southern Florida.
All competitors must register through their local NAACP chapter. Chapters interested in competing in the 1983 ACT-SO at New Orleans may write to the National ACT-SO Office, Suite 1590, 407 South Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill., 60605 or call (312) 663-9270.