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The Tuskegee Airman, Inc., is a non-political, non-military, non-profit organization whose chartered chapters are located in leading cities throughout the United States, whose general purposes are the promotion of historical, scientific and social research, to publish and produce literary and educational programs and projects, and the granting of scholarships to any deserving American youths throughout the United States seeking careers in aviation and aerospace.

The Tuskegee Airmen Scholarship Fund was inaugurated in 1978 with an initial goal of raising $1,000,000 in funds. Scholarships are awarded annually in the name of American patriots who have served in the United States with honor, equality, and patriotism. Current endowment funds have also been established in the names of General Daniel "Chappie" James, the first Black American to achieve the status of four-star General; the Honorable William H. Hastie, the first Black governor of the Virgin Islands and Chief Judge of the United States Circuit Court of Apppeals; Charles B. Hall, the first Black pilot to destroy an enemy aircraft in aerial combat; and Wendell O. Pruitt, an outstanding pilot who was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal with six oak leaf clusters.

The Los Angeles Chapter, on behalf of the national Tuskegee Airmen organization, sponsored an annual Distinguished Achievement Award dinner in honor of Lena Horne.

For further information regarding the Tuskegee Airmen Scholarship Fund please call (213) 731-2275 or write to Tuskegee Airmen, Inc., Los Angeles Chapter, 1675 Virginia Road, Los Angeles, California 90019.

[[caption]] "Red Tails" Lewis Lynch, left, Henry Hervey and George Davis, right. [[/caption]]

[[caption]] Tuskegee Airmen, Col. and Mrs. Ernest Davis [[/caption]]

[[caption]] At Pres. Williams' Champagne Party-St. Louis Convention of Tuskegee Airmen. [[/caption]]

[[caption]] Brigadier General Timothy Boddie. At Pres. Williams' Champagne Party - St. Louis Convention of Tuskegee Airmen. [[/caption]]