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JULY 8-10, 1983

[[caption]] Barbara M. Gross, Atlanta, Fa., National President (Left) Janet Sullivan, Columbus, Ohio, Past National President (right) [[/caption]] 

[[image -  Carats, Inc. logo]]

The 1983 Convention of Carats, Inc. will be held July 8th, 9th and 10th in Detroit Michigan, a fun city and busy city, is the 6th largest city in America and the oldest city in the mid-west. It offers the greatest variety of ethnic festivals of any city in America and has among the world's busiest inland waterways. Detroit's mid-town Renaissance complex attracts tourists from all over the world. Detroiters boast of having the largest Branch NAACP in the country and of a Black Mayor who is a dapper, astute politician.

The 1982 Conclave, a star-studded, collosal week-end fun retreat, was hosted by the Cleveland Chapter of Carats and Carateers in the Great Lake City of Cleveland, Ohio. This conclave has been heralded as one of Carats' finest. Among the excellent cordiality, comaraderie and conviviality, the Annual Carat Community Fund Award was given to the Karack Mu Theater of Cleveland. The recipient, selected by the Cleveland Carats, is a training institution for young people interested in the Theater.

Carats and Carateers from the (10) ten Chapters of Carats, Inc. assembled the weekend of October 27, 1982, at the Miami Holiday Inn, to install "The Group" into the Miami Chapter of Carats, Inc. The impressive installation ceremonies were held Saturday morning, as the Carats enjoyed a Champagne Brunch. Other enjoyable events of this exhilarating week-end, included an open Hospitality Suite, a Skin Care Seminar, a Haitian Rum Potpourri Party in the pool patio area, shopping, a Saturday Night Dance at the Port of Miami with dancing and a Caribbean feast, and the Eye Opener Happy Hour and Breakfast Buffet Sunday morning, followed by a Rum Swizzle Party on the Patio. The Carateers enjoyed fishing, golfing and a barbecue with cards and relaxation. Many expense paid trips to many Tropical Isles were awarded throughout the week-end. We welcome the Miami Chapter into the sisterhood of Carats.

Carats, Inc., a national organization of professional women, now consists of eleven chapters locations in Atlanta, Ga., Baltimore, Md., Chattanooga, Tenn., Cleveland, O., Columbus, O., Detroit, Mich., Macon, Ga., Miami, Fla., New York, N.Y., and Philadelphia, Pa., and Washington, D.C. Each of these chapters pursues a wide variety of educational, cultural, social and civic activities.

[[caption]]Detroit Chapter [[/caption]]