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include rebuilding the decaying infrastructure of the nation such as its roads, bridges, rail systems and ports, as well as improving public services. The system would train the unskilled and the unemployed and retrain displaced workers for jobs in growth industries.

2. Congress should immediately implement a jobs creation programs(s) whereby employment opportunities are made available to the long-term unemployed, especially in areas of the highest unemployment.

3. Congress should resist any further efforts of the Administration to reduce funding for those social service programs such as food stamps, school lunches, etc. that serve the poor and the disadvantaged. 

4. The Department of Labor regulations implementing the Job Training Partnership Act, which replaces CETA and gives the private sector a substantial role in local program development, should include a mandatory role for experienced and proven community based organizations at all stages and levels of the new system. 

5. Defense spending must assume its share of the belt-tightening to which every other area of the budget has been subjected.

6. The private sector should be encouraged to develop creative approaches and programs for training and hiring the unemployed.


7. The budgets of the various civil rights enforcement agencies and offices within the executive branch of government should be restored to levels that will allow effective and adequate enforcement.

8. The Legal Services Corporation should be maintained and only those who demonstrate a firm commitment to administering legal services to the poor should be confirmed by Congress as board members. 

9. "Court-stripping" legislation, which attempts to restrict the authority of federal courts, should be rejected. 

10. Private groups should continue to closely monitor the actions of the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department and where those actions are not in the best interests of minorities, take appropriate action to oppose them. 


11. The principles of affirmative action should continue to be applied at both the state and federal levels, and there should be no retrenchment on the enforcement of these principles. This means that qualified minority applicants should be actively sought for job openings in every sector of the economy. 

12. The Administration should reaffirm its commitment to those principles embodied in Executive Order 11246, in particular, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, its mandate, and its procedures must not be weakened. Requirements for the employer's compliance with the law must remain strong.
13. In order to uphold the principles of equal employment opportunities, Congresional attempts to weaken affirmative action laws should be opposed. 


14. Housing assistance for low-income families must

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