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The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc.
Official Organ - "RESPONSIBILITY"


The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc. has developed an aggressive "Plan of Action" for 1982-1983 to increase our assistance to students wishing to further their education beyond the high school level. 
This year, we extended our Scholarship Program. In addition to giving financial assistance, we have established a Scholarship Program with several colleges and universities. These colleges and universities are now offering 4 year scholarships to students selected by our organization. 
The purpose of the Scholarship Program is to introduce our black youth to black educational institutions and to emphasize the contributions the institutions have made in shaping our past, our present, and their role in our future. 
In keeping with our concern for education and the support of our young people in their chosen fields, nothing was more elegant than the Vocal Arts Competition conducted during the convention. Scholarships were awarded to the winners. Among the judges were Mr. George Shirley, Metropolitan Opera Tenor who also represented the United Negro College Fund along with Mrs. Jean Henninburg. A check towards our pledge was presented to them. 
Throughout the years, NANBPW Clubs, Inc. has always considered the educational needs of our young people as a priority. As a result, we were cited as one of the top six organizations in the nation for our involvement in education by the United States Department of Education. 

Mid Atlantic
E. Josephine Lowery
Washington, D.C.

South Central
Thelma Y. Thomas
Lake Charles, La.

North Central
Jacauelin Washington
Detroit, Michigan

South East
Charlotte Lewis
Riviera Beach, Fla.

North East
Helen Scott
Wayside, N.J.

Jane Moon
Reno, Nevada

History - 
NANBPW was founded in the spring of 1935 when the late Mrs. Ollie Chinn Porter, then President of the New York Club, invited the Philadelphia and Atlantic City Business and Professional Women's Clubs to establish a national organization. 
When Mrs. Porter was elected the first national President in 1936, black people were politely called Negroes. Very few had businesses or professions. Most were still struggling through the economic deprivations of the Depression. That these black women had the courage to found such an optimistic organization
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National President

National President presents check to Mr. George Shirley and Mrs. Jean Henninburg

Lou Rawls thanks National President for Organization's contribution to UNCF

Vocal Arts Participants
L-R: Veronica Johnson, Florida, Lorraine Bell, Virginia, National President, Mary E. Singletary, Louise Coleman, California, H. William Penn, New York City