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[[caption]] This Red-Figured Hydria, circa 490 B.C., is attributed to the Berlin Painter. It depicts Apollo seated on a winged tripod, riding over the sea. Height: 20 1/2__(52cm) [[/caption]]

[[caption]] This Oil on canvas by Caravaggio, The Deposition, is believed by many to be the artist's greatest work. Although scholars disagree on the exact date of the painting, it is certain that it was completed by 1604. In 1797 the painting was sent to Paris, but was returned to the Pinacoteca of Pius VII in 1817. Since then it has only been exhibited once outside of the Vatican, in Lucerne in 1948. 118 1/8__(300cm) x 79 13/16__(203cm) [[/caption]]

[[caption]] This is one of two fresco fragments in the exhibition that were part of The Ascension of Christ, the apse decoration of the Basilica dei Santi Apostoli, painted by Melozzo da Forli in the late fifteenth century. These fragments were salvaged when the apse was destroyed in 1711 to enlarge the tribune. They were originally commissioned by Cardinal Guiliano della Rovere who became Julius II. [[/caption]]