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Health Care Delivery life line to the community was the buzz words at our 10th Annual Institute and Conference. The 467 people registered were able to hear and interact with each other at different avenues during the 3 day conference. Some of the topics covered afforded the attendees an opportunity to identify:

1) Needs of the Black Community from a community health prospective.

2) Wholistic health care as a preventative tool and recognize that this prevention is done through the several dimensions of wholeness. i.e. mind, physical, spiritual, self responsibility and environmental.

3) Health care behaviors of Black elderly females.  

4) Clinical needs of patients being cared for in ICU-NICU an Newborn Nursery.

5) The profile of a health Care Nurse Administrator.

6) Parameters involved ensuring the parent-child relationship of women prisoners. 

Pre-conference meetings of the Deans, Nurse educators and local presidents set the tone for strategies that were developed throughout the institute.

The local chapter (Atlanta Black Nurses) provided assistance at the highest level. We commend Doris Bargainer, President and Betty Walker, local conference chairperson, and all the local members as well for excellent cooperation and love expressed in everything they did. 

Emma Darnell our opening speaker in a speech which was reminicent of the sixties evoked from those present the unity and commitment which that era bought. Those present picked up her call to exercise power in continuing their commitment to the Black Community. This commitment to unity was sustained throughout the conference. 

The Honorable Andrew Young - Mayor of Atlanta was our keynoter for the Saturday luncheon and brought the group to their feet both in terms of hospitality and overall male appearance. 

Dr. Evans closed the conference by reminding us that we are the life line to the Black Community and in the words of one of the much used hymns in the Black Community we must throw out the life line because some one is sinking today.

To all of you in attendance, the board members, officer's and local groups & staff that participated, Thank you! You made this one of the greatest conferences to date.

As we continue to move and progress in the struggle I leave you with an affirmation that, if used each day, we will provide strength, unity and power to each of us.

I will greet this day with love in my heart. For this is the greatest secret of success in all ventures. Muscle can split a shield and even destroy life but only the unseen power of love can open the hearts of men.

I will make love my greatest weapon and none on whom I call can defend against its force. I will greet this day with love in my heart. And how will I do this? Henceforth will I look on all things with love and I will be born again. I will love the sun for it warms my bones; yet I will love the rain 

[[caption]] Dr. Thurman Evans in his address encouraged the nurses to throw out the life line in the Black community for someone is sinking today. [[/caption]]

[[caption]] Attorney Emma Darnell gave the Keynote Address entitled "Choose Power or Impotency." [[/caption]]