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"I want to explore."

Probing the smallest particles to unlock nature's mysteries. 
Searching deep into the Earth for new sources of energy. Charting the unknown. Exploring the future. If that's your dream, a career in engineering may just be the best way to make it a reality. 

At Westinghouse we expect to have openings for over 5,000 engineers and scientists in the next 10 years alone. Everything from computer engineers to materials engineers to physicists. Jobs that pay as much as $25,OOO to start. 

If you have a flair for science and math and a burning desire to explore the future, ask your school guidance counselor about careers in engineering. 

Call toll free 800/245-4474 and ask for engineering career information (in Pennsylvania 800/242-2550)

Engineering for your future. And ours. 

Photomicrograph of printed circuitry.